Syntax10.Scn.Fnt ParcElems Alloc Syntax10i.Scn.Fnt Doc - Document opener SHML 16 Dec 93 Open files according to their extension with installed open command Doc.Open ^ Doc.Open "^" | name Open file name according to its extension with installed command. Doc.Install "^" | command (extension | "*") Install Open command for files with extension (clear old pair). Doc.Remove "^" | (extension | "*") Remove Open command for files with extension. Doc.List List all command - extension pairs. Doc.Init Clear all installed command - extension pairs. Examples (typically installed in Configuration.Mod) Doc.Install Edit.Open Mod Doc.Install Edit.Open Text Doc.Install System.Open Tool Doc.Install Draw.Open Graph Doc.Install Paint.Open Pict Doc.Install Browser.ShowDef sym Doc.Install Edit.Open * command for files with any or no extension Doc.Remove Text remove command for Text files Doc.Remove * remove default command Net.ReceiveFiles Pluto shml:Doc.Tool shml:Doc.obj~ For porters Net.ReceiveFiles Pluto shml:Doc.Mod~